Publication ethics for Journals:
Journals are answerable for accomplish of their editorial board members, for the protection of their research/study evidence, and for make sure the trustworthiness of all they publish.
Journals are supposed to publish the particular information of their editorial board members who ought to act upon as the point of contact for queries connecting to research and journal truthfulness.
Our Company sticks on to the ethics of intelligibility and most excellent ethical observe in academic publishing as suggested by the worldwide boards like COPE, DOAJ, WOL, PERK, etc.,
It is that the using of other author opinions & estimations lacking of endorsement and the demonstration of that author's effort as his/her own, exclusive of recognizing the creative author.
It is a straight manifestation of the excellence of the effort of the authors and the organizations that sustain them. Peer-reviewed manuscripts hold and symbolize the systematic method.
The publication has been accepted by all co-authors and answerable powers that be at the organization or association where the work had been approved.
Our company conduct double blind peer review procedure to stay away from inconsistency. The authors must embrace conscientiousness in knowing any conflicts of interest throughout manuscript acquiescence to steer clear of several probable conflicts of interest.
The work already has been published earlier are any transformation are not acceptable for the journal and the comprehensive adaptation of conference procedures are not acceptable for the journal publication.
Editorial board members, commentators, Authors/ writers and the academic journal editorial employees are predictable to hold on to the fundamental proficient courteousness.
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